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By Serax
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Low Plate M (04)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Low Plate XL (06)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Deep Plate M (15)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Low Bowl M (19)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - High Plate S (09)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Low Bowl S (18)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Deep Plate L (16)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Low Plate L (05)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Coffee Cup Without Handle (29)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Deep Plate XL (17)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Deep Bowl M (26)
Base Tableware by Piet Boon - Low Plate XXS (00)